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Invisible in My Heart: A Melodic Journey Through Loneliness

Invisible in My Heart: A Melodic Journey Through Loneliness

Invisible in My Heart A Melodic Journey Through Loneliness

Invisible in my heart, aching silently,
Echoes of love lost, haunt me endlessly.
The room, once filled with laughter and light,
Now echoes emptiness, shadows of the night.

Nguyen Duy Tri’s soulful voice weaves a tale,
Of love unraveling, dreams slipping through the veil.
Each note, a tear; each chord, a whispered plea,
As loneliness settles in, a silent symphony.

The heart, a fragile vessel, once brimming with hope,
Now a shipwreck on desolate shores, unable to cope.
The melody, like raindrops on a forgotten windowpane,
Traces the contours of sorrow, etching memories in pain.

Leaving the Past Behind: Nguyen Duy Tri’s “Lonely Empty Room” (2022)

Invisible in my heart, the ache blooms anew,
A garden of wilted roses, petals kissed by dew.
The room, a sepulcher of promises unkept,
Where love once danced, now silence adept.

Nguyen Duy Tri, your voice a lifeline,
Guiding lost souls through the labyrinth of time.
Invisible in my heart, yet resonating within,
Your song, a balm for wounds, a solace for sin.

As the notes fade, I find solace in the ache,
For even broken melodies have stories to make.
Lonely empty room, witness to love’s demise,
Nguyen Duy Tri, your song immortalized in sighs.”

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